Posts Tagged “technology”

Technology is expanding at an exponentially faster rate. Every day new inventions and devices come into existence. The radio industry, while timeless, is no exception to this change. The most recent shift in radio technology is currently going on within the world of news radio. That shift is a transition away from traditional recording equipment such as the microphone, and into something much more portable. The new technology that is revolutionizing the world of news radio is the iphone. Many news reporters these days are beginning to make the switch to this new technique because it is much more portable, faster, and is not noticed as easily if they are trying to stay undercover during an investigative report. Kevin Patrick, a reporter for WNEW said that the iphone is a great resource for news reporting because it allows reporters to “try to  make it sound like you’re in the middle of the scene”.  Being able to record on site is not the only benefit that the iphone has when it comes to reporting. It also has the capabilities to edit the audio, normalize it, and send it back to the studio. Once it has gone back to the studio it can be immediately sent out on broadcast. The app that many professionals use to do this is called Voddio. This amazing technology is available to anyone who reports it, which means if the initiative is taken anyone could become a reporter on the scene of a story. While this change is exponentially fast at its core radio has remained the same, making it a timeless industry regardless of the changes it undergoes.

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