Posts Tagged “HD”

With all of the advancements within the radio industry not all of them were destined for greatness. The most recent example of this would be HD radio. This was a technology that sounded great in theory yet fell short in practice. What it does is it breaks the various radio frequencies into subsections which would allow for stations to cater to different audiences and programming stations. The reason behind it failing to catch on is that in order to receive these subsections a special receiver has to be installed into your car. When asked about HD radio Nicholas DeVito, a student at George Mason, stated “HD radio sounds awesome, but the reason I don’t have it is I don’t feel like paying for the installation”. This sentiment is shared by many across the nation which is why the HD radio market is turning into a failure. If you would like to listen to the broadcasts without having to pay for the installation fee there are several places you can do so online. One website known as has several HD stations that you can listen too. So while HD radio is a failure so far in the car radio it may find a new life in the online radio medium.

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